Tough times
I have a room all to myself; it is nature.
-Thoreau Henry David
The last few months are going to be tough on my photography.
As a part-time photographer, i have a few hours to spend and practice what i love. Lack of money doesn’t help either. I will work hard for the next few months so travel is out of my frame. Anyway, none of the above can stand as an excuse to stop being creative. So i have three new projects to keep me dreaming. I have almost gathered my new wide-field astrophotography rig and now its time to test it from my backyard. The steep learning curve of new programs is upon me. I plan to shoot every available night, with and without a moon. A 12nm Ha narrowband filter will help with the light pollution and i will try to collect as much signal as possible. So my first project is to be able to make everything work together. My az-eq5 will be connected to the pc to be able to control it with eq mod and Stellarium. Also, i need to learn how to polar align using pole master. My ultimate goal is to be able to guide my telescope or lens. For that purpose, i have a dedicated 50mm Orion finder with an asi120mm. Interesting and difficult stuff. Till now i was able to get away unguided but its time to get better at this because my 630mm refractor demands it.
Missing already the open views i processed last year's photo taken at Mainalo.
A7s mod, samyang 24mm f2.8, iso 2000, 10x12sec